
Age: 3 & 4 year olds
Time: Mon 4:05 - 4:45pm OR Tues 4:30 - 5:10pm
Preschool-aged children are introduced to Irish dance and music through games and songs. Children will learn invaluable skills including coordination, balance, rhythm, and timing. A strong emphasis on motor development will be nurtured as children are introduced to the beginner steps of the jig and reel. Children at this level do not compete, but they DO perform in the annual recital! Irish dance shoes are not required at this level (children may wear socks). Dancers attend once per week.
Age: 5 years and up
Time: Tues 5:15 - 6:10pm OR Wed 5:20 - 6:15pm
Children will learn the fundamental basics of Irish dance, as well as learn their first dances: the jig, reel, and slip jig. A strong emphasis on timing and technique will be nurtured as children work on the important life skills of balance, rhythm, and coordination. Children in this class may participate in competition when they are ready, and they all perform in the annual recital! Irish dance soft shoes are encouraged, but not required (children may wear socks). Dancers attend once per week.
Group 1
Age: 6 years and up
Time: Mon 4:50 - 5:55pm, Wed 6:20 - 7:25pm, AND/OR Sat 4:00 - 5:05pm
Children will continue their instruction in jig, reel, and slip jig, as well as begin learning dances in hard shoes. A strong emphasis on timing and rhythm will be encouraged at class. Dancers in this class must have completed their beginner year of Irish dance, and will be moved into this level only at teacher's recommendation. Children in this class may compete in feisanna if they wish, and of course, dancers in this class showcase in the annual recital! Properly fitted hard and soft shoes are required. Dancers may attend once or twice per week.

Group 2
Age/Level: Novice Dancers
Time: Tues 6:15 - 7:30pm, Wed 4:00 - 5:15pm, AND/OR Sat 2:40 - 3:55pm
Dancers will continue their dance education in both hard and soft shoe dances. Instructors introduce more advanced steps of each dance. Classes emphasize timing, rhythm, technique, and posture. Dance in this class must have completed their advanced beginner year of Irish dance, and will be moved into this level only at teacher's discretion. Dancers may compete and participate in the annual recital. Children will need both hard and soft shoes. Dancers are encouraged to attend two times per week.

Group 3
Age/Level: Prizewinner Dancers
Time: Mon 6:00 - 7:25pm, Tues 7:35 - 9:00pm, AND/OR Sat 8:30am - 9:55am
This is a competitive level class focusing on children who are attending competing in the prizewinner grade at feisanna. Dancers are required to attend class two times per week. Dancers will continue to excel in their hard shoe and light shoe instruction, mastering more challenging steps and working advanced technique. Children at this level also participate in the annual recital.

Group 4
Age/Level: Preliminary & Open Championship Dancers
Time: Mon 7:30 - 9:00pm, Wed 7:30 - 9:00pm, Thurs 4:25 - 5:55pm, AND/OR Sat 10:00 - 11:30am.
This is a competitive level class focusing on children who are attending competing in the PC or OC level at feisanna. Dancers preparing for a major Championship are required to attend class three or more times per week. Dancers will continue to excel in their hard shoe and light shoe instruction, mastering more challenging steps and working advanced technique. Children at this level also participate in the annual recital.